Integration of knowledge management and human talent in education




Knowledge management, Human talent, Educational quality


 Currently, academic institutions face increasing demands for quality and knowledge generation. To stand out in a competitive environment, it becomes imperative to integrate knowledge and human talent management, thus strengthening educational organizations. Knowledge management emerges as a key factor driving efficiency and innovation. The institutions seek not only to satisfy teachers and students with quality educational proposals but also through high-level scientific production. This managerial perspective, based on values, roles and society, allows the development of competencies for individual and organizational growth. The integration of knowledge management and human talent has become an essential strategy to stand out in a highly competitive environment, promoting efficient access to knowledge and stimulating organizational and individual growth to achieve high standards of quality and academic success.


Author Biography

Ligia E. Callejas R, Universidad Santa María. Facultad de Odontología. Caracas. Venezuela

Dentist graduated from Santa María University in 2006. Master in Human Talent Management at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de las Fuerzas Armadas in 2015. She is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Educational Sciences at the Universidad Santa María. Her professional experience dates back more than 17 years, she is a contracted teacher in the subjects Stomatology I and Comprehensive Adult Stomatology. She has held various positions: coordinator of selection courses, coordinator of the dental hygienist course, academic coordinator and currently serves as director of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Universidad Santa María.


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How to Cite

Ligia E. Callejas R. (2024). Integration of knowledge management and human talent in education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (48), 207–216.