Peace Laboratories: Rationale for its pedagogical implementation




Peace laboratories, Culture of peace, Education


This article aims to provide referential theoretical foundations related to the Peace Laboratories program for its pedagogical implementation in order to consolidate the culture of peace in school institutions. The research design is of a documentary type and the hermeneutic method is applied for the analysis and interpretation of the information. The results highlight the relevance of educational actors in the construction of peace and to transform the conflict, because they can create bridges between all actors and sectors to generate and channel processes that make it possible to undertake initiatives and actions aimed at the consolidation of culture peace.

Author Biography

Érika Romero Cuadrado, Institución Educativa Oficial Las Gaviotas Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Bachelor of Science in Education, specializing in Modern Languages, Spanish and English. Specialist in Pedagogy of Play for Social and Cultural Development. Specialist in Ethics and Pedagogy. Master in Education. She works at the District Secretary of Education.


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How to Cite

Érika Romero Cuadrado. (2021). Peace Laboratories: Rationale for its pedagogical implementation. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 168–180.



Review Articles