Theoretical foundations of a citizen training model for public services




Training model, Public utilities, Cleaning services


The objective of this article is to analyze the theoretical foundations of a citizen training model for public services, focusing on the legal guidelines and the provision of services in a given environment, with the participation of citizens, the official entities that must guarantee the service, the service providers and the control agencies. This research is framed within a mixed qualitative approach. The public sanitation service has a great impact on the quality of life of a community, which is why it requires the attention and active participation of all those involved in the process, those who receive it, those who provide it and those who monitor it; its efficiency and quality depend on the knowledge that each one has of their rights and obligations.

Author Biography

Elena del Pilar Meléndez Tapias, Alcaldía de Cartagena. Colombia

Public Accountant, Lawyer, Specialist in Human Resources Management, Specialist in Social Security, Master in Integrated Management Systems with emphasis in HSEQ, Doctorate in Education. Public positions: Advisor to the Office of the Mayor of Cartagena - Public Services (current); external advisor in the General Secretariat and Education, Financial Director of Accounting, Office of the Mayor of Cartagena, Head of Human Resources (e) Office of the District Comptroller of Cartagena. Positions in private companies, mainly Head of Human Resources and Financial Management. Teaching in universities in the city of Cartagena in the area of Human Resources, Accounting, Financial Analysis, Financial Mathematics, Ethics, Labor Legislation (Fundación Universitario Tecnológico Comfenalco, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Universidad Los Libertadores, SENA, Colombo Americano).


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How to Cite

Elena del Pilar Meléndez Tapias. (2021). Theoretical foundations of a citizen training model for public services . GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 277–287.



Review Articles