The Contemporary Saga: Appreciation from multimodal and intercode reading




Contemporary sagas, Inter-code reading, Virtual text, Multimodal reader


This test refers to how contemporary youth sagas establish inter-code and multimodal readings that lead the student to other spaces such as virtual ones, where they connect with digital text. Likewise, thanks to multimodal, multisensory or multifunctional readings students are able to approach different reading paths that allow them to experience the literary text and interact with it. This type of reading also allows them to improve their reading expertise when analyzing what has been read. The theoretical basis of this test is rooted in the works of several authors who contemplate literature as an experience that appreciates virtual text from inter-code and multimodal reading. Some of these theorists are: Barrera Linares, Petit, Larrosa Colomer, Camilloni, Rosenblat, D' Zubiría, Freire, and Morin... At the end of this test, the considerations and conclusions will specify the reading paths that bring students closer to these literary works, by allowing them to refine their views around the reading process and its content, as well as that of other works.

Author Biography

Dulce M Santamaría, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Teacher graduated from the Instituto Universitario Pedagógico de Caracas, specialising in Literature and Spanish Language. At the same institute, now the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas, at the UPEL, she has obtained the degrees of Magister in Latin American Literature, Doctor in Discourse Pedagogy and Postdoctor in Education, Environment and Society. She is currently head of the Department of Spanish, Literature and Latin and has taught undergraduate courses in Spanish Language, Oral and Written Expression, Spanish Literature I and II and Visions, postgraduate courses in Latin American Literature Essay Seminar and Postdoctoral course in Educational Discourse Pedagogy. He has been tutor and juror for theses on European and Latin American Literature and specialisation in Reading and Writing at the IPC and UCAB. He has also written articles for the journals LETRAS (IVILLAB), EDUCARE, DIDÁCTICA XXI (AMPLL) and GACETA PEDAGÓGICA.


Barrera Linares, L. (2010). Habla pública, Internet y otros enredos literarios. Caracas: Editorial Equinoccio.

Camilloni, A. (2007). Saber didáctico. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Colomer, T (2002). Siete llaves para valorar las historias infantiles. Madrid: Editorial Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez.

D’ Zubiría, J (2007). Los modelos pedagógicos: Hacia una pedagogía dialogante. Bogotá: Cooperativa editorial magisterio.

Fraca de Barrera, L (2000). La escritura como elemento de medición en el ser humano. Revista Candidus. Año 1. No.11. Septiembre/Octubre.

Freire, P (1997). Pedagogía de la autonomía: Saberes necesarios para la práctica educativa. México: Siglo XXI.

Hall, E (1998). La dimensión oscura del espacio. (Mimeo). Caracas: Escuela de Arquitectura de la U.C.V.

Jauss, K (1976). La literatura como provocación. Barcelona: Península.

Larrosa, J (2007). La experiencia de la lectura: Estudios sobre la Literatura y

formación. México: FCE.

Morín, E (1999). Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro. México: Cátedra Unesco.

Petit, M (1995). Nuevos acercamientos de los jóvenes a la lectura. México. F.C.E.

Propp, W (1998). Las raíces históricas del cuento. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos.

Rosenblat, L (2002). La literatura como exploración. México: F.C.E.

Vargas Llosa, M (2012): La civilización del espectáculo. Madrid: Alfaguara.

Trejo, R (2006). Viviendo en El Aleph: La sociedad de la información y sus laberintos. Barcelona-España: Gedisa.



How to Cite

Dulce M Santamaría. (2021). The Contemporary Saga: Appreciation from multimodal and intercode reading. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (41), 197–211.